Foods To Add Into Your Diet If You Have High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be a real problem for people. It can lead to all kinds of diseases including heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in America. If you struggle with high blood pressure, there are steps you can take to get your blood pressure down. That includes exercising and eating healthier, but which foods are going to make the biggest difference?

The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can be restrictive, but it doesn't have to be. Keep reading for a useful guide to foods that will help lower your blood pressure.

Have A Banana

Photo credit: Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Photo credit: Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Bananas are so good for your heart that the USDA allowed the banana industry to market the fruit as such. These yellow packs of protein and vitamins make a great on-the-go snack. They also contain a whole lot of potassium, which can help counter the effect sodium has on high blood pressure.

Bananas are delicious. You can eat them on their own for breakfast, blend them into a smoothie, or turn them into pancakes with a simple no-flour recipe.


Cantaloupe Can Do it All

Photo credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Photo credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Cantaloupe is another fruit option that you can eat to keep your blood pressure from spiking. Like bananas, cantaloupes are full of potassium. They're not as convenient a banana, but some people find them to be more delicious.


Also, these melons are rich with choline, fiber, and vitamin C—all things that are great for heart health. Pick up a cantaloupe the next time you're at the supermarket. You won't regret it. Plus look how pretty and orange they are!


Carrots Fight Against Hypertension

Photo credit: Marge Ely for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Photo credit: Marge Ely for The Washington Post via Getty Images

Carrots are a great vegetable to have in a salad or all by themselves. Dip it in a hearth healthy dip and you're good to go. Carrots, like cantaloupe and bananas, have a high level of potassium. We already know that potassium is great for counteracting the effects of sodium on your blood pressure.


In addition, the beta-carotene levels in carrots are also shown to benefit those aiming to normalize their blood pressure. Carrot juice is a delicious way to get all of these nutrients in your body.


Turmeric Is Literal Gold

Photo credit: Deb Lindsey for the Washington Post
Photo credit: Deb Lindsey for the Washington Post

Turmeric is a spice that adds a gorgeous yellow color to whatever you're cooking, plus it has a delicious nutty flavor. This spice has also been used medicinally in India for centuries.


In recent years, it's become something of a superfood in the West. Turmeric is associated with having a positive effect on high blood pressure, particularly among people who have kidney diseases. This effect may be due to curcumin, which is a component found in turmeric.


Eat Oatmeal For Breakfast

Photo credit: Keith Beaty/Toronto Star via Getty Images
Photo credit: Keith Beaty/Toronto Star via Getty Images

Breakfast can be difficult if you have high blood pressure. You definitely don't want to indulge in salty breakfast meats such as sausage or bacon. SO what can you have instead? How about a hearty bowl of oatmeal?


One study even found that people who ate oatmeal regularly were able to reduce the need for blood pressure medication over time. That's because oatmeal contains whole grains and fiber, which are both essential in the regulation of blood pressure.


Have Some Sunflower Seeds

Photo credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Photo credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Sunflower seeds are full of fiber and healthy fats that are great for your heart health, however, make sure you're snacking on unsalted sunflower seeds. Consuming too much salt can have a negative effect on your blood pressure.


Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamin E, a component the body uses to make blood cells and lower blood pressure. In addition, this tiny seed is full of other nutrients known for regulating blood pressure, such as magnesium and protein.


You Say Tomato, I Say A Blood Pressure Superfood

Photo credit: John Innes Centre UK via Getty Images
Photo credit: John Innes Centre UK via Getty Images

Tomatoes are some of the most versatile food items that you can get your hands on. ou can eat them raw, throw them in a salad, cook them down to make tomato sauce, roast them, boil them, throw them in a chili, make salsa, the possibilities ae endless.


Tomatoes can make a positive impact on high blood pressure. Lycopene and potassium are components that are abundant in tomatoes and are widely associated with lowering high blood pressure.


Avocados Can Do It All

Photo credit: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for CBD For Life
Photo credit: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for CBD For Life

Avocados sometimes get a bad rap for being a high-fat food, but this fruit is full of the “good fats” that can help promote healthy cholesterol. In addition, avocados can provide lutein and potassium when consumed as part of a balanced diet. These two nutrients are essential when it comes to managing high blood pressure.


Jump On The Spinach Train

Photo credit: Gordon Chibroski/Portland Press Herald via Getty Images
Photo credit: Gordon Chibroski/Portland Press Herald via Getty Images

We think Popeye must have been onto something when he kept eating all of that spinach. Spinach may not give you super strength, but it can make your heart super strong.


This leafy green contains antioxidants that help reduce stress on the blood vessels, and thus, help regulate blood pressure. In addition, the peptides found in spinach are known to help lower high blood pressure. You can eat spinach on its own or blend it into a smoothie.


Kiwi Is Cool

Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Kiwis come with a delicious burst of flavor and a very satisfying texture. we can't get enough of these little fuzzy green fruits. They are also ferocious when it comes to helping hypertension through diet. A 2011 study found that eating three kiwis a day over the course of eight weeks was associated with a drop in blood pressure. This is because of lutein, a type of antioxidant that is associated with reducing free radicals that can contribute to higher blood pressure.


Get your daily dose of kiwi if you want to keep your blood pressure low.


Pop Some Edamame

Photo credit: Tara Walton/Toronto Star via Getty Images
Photo credit: Tara Walton/Toronto Star via Getty Images

Edamame, or soybeans, can make for a healthy snack—especially alongside sushi—that helps reduce high blood pressure. Not only is this versatile legume contain nutrients that aid in lowering blood pressure, but it’s also packed with other things that are known to help prevent cancer, osteoporosis, as well as high cholesterol.


Munch On Beets

Photo credit: Scott Suchman/For the Washington Post
Photo credit: Scott Suchman/For the Washington Post

If you want to beat high blood pressure, beets may be one of your best bets. Many studies have shown this root to have several health benefits, including offsetting hypertension. One key reason beets are so beneficial is their level of nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure. Not into eating beets? Beet juice can also help!


Blueberries Are A Superfood

Photo credit: MICHAEL URBAN/AFP/Getty Images
Photo credit: MICHAEL URBAN/AFP/Getty Images

Blueberries are an incredible topping—and an even more incredible superfood. Full to the brim with flavonoids, these berries can make for a great way to help sustain normal blood pressure levels. According to some research, two cups of frozen or fresh blueberries each day over the course of eight weeks can help lower blood pressure by as much as 6%.


Dark Chocolate!

Photo credit: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images
Photo credit: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

Dark chocolate—defined as unsweetened chocolate containing 50 percent cocoa—was found to really beneficial on blood pressure, according to a Harvard study. This sweet, and somewhat bitter, treat contains flavonoids, which help dilate blood and improve blood pressure. And the blood-pressure-lowering effect was shown to be even more significant among people with hypertension.


White Beans Are Full Of Potassium

Photo credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images
Photo credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images

White beans are among the many beans that contain a large amount of potassium—a very important nutrient when it comes to lowering high blood pressure. In addition, white beans are full of magnesium, another powerful protectant against blood pressure problems. Not to mention, these beans are an excellent source of protein!


The Mighty Flax Seed

Photo credit: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images
Photo credit: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Although flax seeds are tiny, they pack a huge punch when it comes to fighting off hypertension. Flaxseed is rich with a unique omega-3 fatty acid, known as alpha-linoleic acid. Research has shown that eating more of this type of fatty acid can help lower blood pressure. Flaxseed can be enjoyed on top of many foods, like salads or avocados.


Strawberries Are Healthy And Delicious

Photo credit: Oli Scarff/Getty Images
Photo credit: Oli Scarff/Getty Images

The tart sweetness of strawberries may seem sinful, but these red babies are brimming with health benefits, especially for those with high blood pressure. Strawberries have a lot of potassium, and that nutrient is essential to normalizing blood pressure in the body. In addition, strawberries are loaded with antioxidants that help relax the blood vessels, making it an incredibly heart-healthy fruit.


Artichokes Act As Antioxidants

Photo credit: Simona Granati/Corbis via Getty Images
Photo credit: Simona Granati/Corbis via Getty Images

These prickly leaves can help you leave high blood pressure behind. Artichokes are high in potassium, which help the body balance out some of the effects of eating heart-unhealthy sodium. As an added bonus, artichokes are also antioxidant champs that can help neutralize cancer-causing free radicals in the body.


Eat Your Brussels Sprouts

Photo credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images
Photo credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images

While Brussels sprouts may have a funky smell when they are cooked, they can be a great way to bring down high blood pressure. There is a ton of potassium in Brussels sprouts, which can help protect your help from high blood pressure. In addition, this food is naturally low in sodium and fat, making them great snacking or side dish alternatives when following a heart-healthy diet.


Get More Oregano

Photo credit: Hoberman Collection/UIG via Getty Images
Photo credit: Hoberman Collection/UIG via Getty Images

Trying out new spices can be a great way to enjoy food while using less salt —a heavy contributor to high blood pressure. Oregano is one herb, however, that can do a lot to help, as it contains carvacrol. This nutritional component is associated with lowering high blood pressure.


Snack On Raisins

Photo credit: Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Raisins are a type of dehydrated fruit associated with positive effects on blood pressure. In addition to being loaded with potassium, raisins contain a dietary fiber known to help keep blood vessels healthy. Raisins make great on-the-go snacks as well as excellent salad or parfait toppings.


Prunes Are Good For You

Photo credit: @sonofgroucho / flickr
Photo credit: @sonofgroucho / flickr

Prunes may remind some people of getting older—either because of their wrinkles or their notorious reputation for helping people “stay regular.” But, in reality, prunes can help many live healthier into old age, particularly by helping people maintain normal blood pressure levels. The reason? Prunes have high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium.


Watermelon Is A Healthy Snack

Photo credit: STR/AFP/Getty Images
Photo credit: STR/AFP/Getty Images

Want to picnic without having to worry about raising your blood pressure? Pack a watermelon next time! Researchers have found that consuming watermelon can put less pressure on the heart and aorta, thus helping to lower blood pressure. The effect is also found to be helpful among obese people who struggle with hypertension.


Celery Can Help

Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

It’s a well-known fact that eating and digesting celery burns more calories than the vegetable actually contains. But this crunchy stalk is much more than a "free" food, as celery is made up of fiber, potassium, and magnesium—all nutrients associated with normalizing blood pressure.


Chicken Is The Best Meat

Photo credit: Lisa Wiltse/Corbis via Getty Images
Photo credit: Lisa Wiltse/Corbis via Getty Images

Health professionals often advocate cutting down on red meat when it comes to lowering blood pressure. But that doesn’t mean you have to cut out meat entirely. Lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, make for much better alternatives because they are lower in saturated fats than red meats.


Peas Are Small But Mighty

Photo credit: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images
Photo credit: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

When you think peas, think protein—and think protection. In addition to fiber and vitamins, common garden peas are full of proteins that have been shown to have a positive effect on reducing high blood pressure. Research has also suggested that peas can help with chronic kidney disease, a condition that is associated with hypertension.


Drink Black Tea

Photo credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Photo credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Caffeine is usually a no-no when it comes to following a diet that is good for high blood pressure. But one Australian study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that individuals who drank two to three cups of black tea were able to achieve small reductions in blood pressure levels.


Arugula Is Amazing

Photo credit: Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post via Getty Images
Photo credit: Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Tired of boring salads stuffed with nothing more than iceberg lettuce? Arugula can put a healthy spin on the greens you eat, especially when it comes to halting high blood pressure. In addition to being flavorful, this leafy green is also high in flavonoids—a nutritional component that, among many other health benefits, is known to lower blood pressure.


Spice Up Your Life With Cinnamon

Photo credit: Veronique DURRUTY/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
Photo credit: Veronique DURRUTY/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Cinnamon is a flavorful spice that can help perk up a cup of coffee, as well as help reduce high blood pressure. Multiple studies have shown cinnamon to be effective at lowering blood pressure. In addition, cinnamon is especially effective among people who have diabetes, as cinnamon is also known to help regulate blood glucose levels.


Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Photo credit: David Silverman/Getty Images
Photo credit: David Silverman/Getty Images

Despite the bad breath that eating garlic can leave you with, this “vampire killer” is well worth the cost. Garlic produces allicin, an active ingredient that is associated with lowering blood pressure levels. In fact, one study found that regular consumption of garlic can reduce blood pressure readings up to 10%. However, this benefit is only seen in those who eat dried garlic or garlic tablets—cooked garlic and garlic oil often do not contain enough allicin.


Have More Beans

Photo credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images
Photo credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images

Green beans make for a really easy side dish and offer an easy way to improve blood pressure through nutrition. Potassium, a major fighter against high blood pressure, is a major component of green beans. In addition, green beans contain vitamin C and fiber to help set you up for blood pressure success.


Get Your Green On

Photo credit: Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Photo credit: Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post via Getty Images

While the kale era and all its fanfare may have dwindled in recent years, this leafy green remains one of the healthiest things people can eat. In particular, people who are looking to lower and control their blood pressure may benefit from adding kale to their diet. Among other nutrients, kale is full of potassium and magnesium, which are highly potent against hypertension.


Papaya Has Potassium

Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Photo credit: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Papaya is known as one of the best sources of potassium. For this reason, the tropical fruit is a must-try for those looking to reduce high blood pressure through diet. And to make things more fun in the kitchen, it’s a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in several dishes—as well in a juice.


Raspberries Have Fiber, Potassium, And Vitamin C

Photo credit: Heyer/ullsteinbild via Getty Images
Photo credit: Heyer/ullsteinbild via Getty Images

As a type of berry, raspberries easily fall into the category of foods that are good for reducing hypertension. While berries typically contain fiber—known to assist in lowering blood pressure—raspberries have some of the highest levels of this component. In addition, raspberries are rich with blood pressure-reducing potassium and vitamin C.


Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

Photo credit: Wolfgang Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images
Photo credit: Wolfgang Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images

Cashews are delicious, crunchy snacks on their own, but they can also be a healthy addition to salads. What’s more, these nuts are prime for helping out with high blood pressure. Compared to other nuts, they have a lower fat content—which is great when eating with hypertension. Cashews are also rich in antioxidants, which are not only good for reducing cancer risk, but also for regulating blood pressure.


Eat Lots Of Salmon

Photo credit: Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images
Photo credit: Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images

Fatty fish, such as salmon, are known for containing a wealth of omega-3 fatty acids, a crucial component to keeping blood pressure in check. While eating salmon regularly can help reduce high blood pressure, it can also help prevent hypertension. Other cold-water fish that contain omega-3s include tuna, halibut, herring and mackerel.


Almonds Are Joyful

Photo credit: Miguel Palacios/Cover/Getty Images
Photo credit: Miguel Palacios/Cover/Getty Images

Going nuts for almonds can help put your high blood pressure on hiatus. These tiny treats are packed with potassium, a mineral that can lower blood pressure. In addition, almonds are full of healthy fats (like monounsaturated fat) that are known to be better for blood pressure than other types of fat, such as saturated fat.


White Potatoes

Photo credit: DEA / PRIMA PRESS/De Agostini/Getty Images
Photo credit: DEA / PRIMA PRESS/De Agostini/Getty Images

People may often stray from white potatoes, worried about how starches can affect their health. But when consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet, white potatoes are great for the heart and reducing high blood pressure. Adding a baked white potato to your dinner plate can mean getting a healthy dose of magnesium and potassium—nutrients help the body maintain a healthy blood flow. Just make sure to be sparse with the salt!


Yogurt Is A Great Place To Start

Photo credit: PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images
Photo credit: PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

Low-fat dairy products, such as plain low-fat yogurt, can have a beneficial impact on regulating blood pressure. In fact, one study found that individuals who ate plain yogurt five or more times a week significantly reduced their risk for developing high blood pressure. And although this type of yogurt may seem a little plain, it provides a great base for other super foods that help blood pressure, such as berries, nuts, and seeds.


Guava Contains Vitamin C

Photo credit: Digital Light Source/UIG via Getty Images
Photo credit: Digital Light Source/UIG via Getty Images

Did you know that guava packs nearly twice the amount of vitamin C of an orange? This tropical fruit also has a ton of potassium and fiber. Together, these elements help the heartbeat stay steady and keep blood vessels in good shape. If you’re looking for ways to get guava into your diet, this fruit also provides a flavorful option for juicing.
