These Hilarious Airport Signs Would Make Any Traveler Chuckle
We've all seen people waiting at the airport for their loved ones holding a simple sign. Some people even get creative and make a bold and colorful "welcome home" sign. The people on this list really went all out, not just with the design of their signs, but with the words on the signs as well.
Some of these airport signs are cute, some are sweet, some are embarrassing, and some are downright mean. We're pretty sure that these all come from a place of love...
We Haven't Heard That One Before...

This might just be the ultimate dad joke. This funny father didn't just show up to the airport with a silly sign, he also came in a full Darth Vader costume. We're pretty sure that this didn't happen on Haloween. Dad is just this extra every day of the year.
Rebecca, if you don't want your dad to embarrass you in front of an entire airport full of people, you should probably just never go on vacation ever again.
Missing Her Sugar Daddy

We're moving right along from one kind of daddy to another. This woman looks very happy to see her husband, but we're not sure if her husband looks very happy to see that sign.
Maybe this man had to fly to some far off place to make a very important business deal. Maybe that's why his wife is teasing him about having a lot of money now. It does look like she put a lot of effort into that sign.
Prison Misses Sam

We're not sure if Sam really was in prison, but if we had to hazard a guess, we think these boys are just playing a joke on their friend. Sam was probably so excited to get a ride home from the airport with his friends and then they go and pull a stunt like this.
Now, everybody in that parking lot thinks that Sam is a convicted felon when really he just spent a few days in Florida soaking up some sun.
A Cheeky Homecoming

It isn't easy for military couples to be away from one another for weeks, months, or sometimes years at a time. These two probably communicated through texts and Facetime for the past little while, but now they finally get to see each other in person.
This woman is clearly very excited to see her soldier significant other. She decided to welcome him home with a sign that's more cheeky than it is sappy. We're sure that this soldier is so happy to be home.
The Best Brother-In-Law

Aren't in-laws the best? This guy had his brother-in-law pick him up from the airport, and this man did not disappoint. There's nothing quite like poking fun at the guy who got your sister pregnant— even if he is her husband.
We're sure that this guy and his brother-in-law are actually the best of friends. You can't get away with a sign like this unless you have an excellent relationship with the person the sign is for.
She Doesn't Appreciate A Selfie Stick

We're not sure if this is some kind of coded message or if Britney just really hates selfie sticks. I mean, those things tend to emit a certain air of narcissism, but it's all in good fun, right? It looks like Simon promised to give up his selfie stick ways, but in the end, he just couldn't keep his promise.
We're not sure why Britney had to reveal all of this drama on an airport sign, but, to each their own.
Just What The Doctor Ordered

For those of you who have been lucky enough never to need Imodium, we're just going to let you know right now that this medication is for diarrhea relief. We're pretty sure Sarah wasn't too thrilled about everybody in the airport finding out that she had diarrhea.
We don't know if Sarah actually had diarrhea or if her wacky friend was just playing a joke on her, but either way, this sign isn't very nice.
Cute Or Cringeworthy?

This guy definitely gets points for creativity. He looks just like a limo driver picking up some high profile client from the airport. He was probably at the airport to pick up his wife. It looks like he has a ring on his left hand so we're going to assume that he's married.
We're also assuming that his wife is Italian, otherwise, this sign would be pretty awkward. Maybe she just went on a trip to Italy.
Read It And Weep

They say it's the thought that counts, and that's definitely true in this case. This little girl tried her best to write an airport sign for somebody. We're not sure who it's for because the sign isn't exactly legible.
We can make out a "welcome" on the top line, but what it says after that is anybody's guess. The sign may not be clear, but what is clear is how absolutely adorable this photo is.
Sometimes The Truth Hurts

We're pretty sure that whoever wrote this sign is very good friends with the person the sign is intended for. There's nothing like coming home to an extremely accurate insult. We're just going to assume that this is some kind of inside joke that we're not privy to.
I guess there are worse things to be in life than noisy and pale-faced. A little teasing between friends never hurt anybody— at least, it never hurt anybody that we know of.
Traveling Alone Is Difficult

This person didn't have much faith in his friend's ability to tough it out on her own while she was traveling abroad. So much can go wrong when you visit another country by yourself. You could get lost, you could get robbed, you could never find your way home...
This girl managed to make it back in one piece though. Do you think that "oh great" is sarcastic? She's smiling, so she must have taken the joke well.
We've Got Another Puzzle For You

Oompa Loompa doopity doo, we've got another puzzle for you. Why is this man dressed in a wig? Who is Johnny and where has he been? Ok, so that wasn't a perfect rhyme, but it got the message across.
We have no idea who "Chocolate Johnny" is, but we can guess that he's going to be pretty surprised when he realizes that there's a fully orange Oompa Loompa waiting to take him home from the airport.
Do You Really Think That Baby Wrote That Sign?

This dad must have been away from his family for a while. Apparently, his "baby" took the time to make him this lovely welcome home sign. Sorry, mom, you're not fooling anybody. I've never seen a baby with penmanship like that.
This baby does look very happy to see his daddy, though. It's hard to believe that a face like that could cause any trouble at all. It looks like baby Kaden did actually sign his name on the sign.
Maybe There Are Two Michael Jordans

So, there are two possibilities here. Either this sign is a complete joke, or this guy is picking up a man by the name of Michael Jordan who isn't a famous basketball player. There is absolutely no possibility that this man is picking up THE Michael Jordan because the real Michael Jordan wouldn't go near a sign that unfortunate looking.
He also probably flies in his own private jet. Michael Jordan wouldn't be caught dead on a commercial flight.
Everything Falls Apart Without Mom

When mom's away, the kids don't have any clean underwear to wear apparently. Since when are dads unable to put in a load of laundry? Come on dad, you just have to put some clothes in, throw in a Tide Pod and press the "on" button.
At least the kids survived a whole week without their mom. Something tells me their house is not very clean right now. Do you think dad managed to do the dishes?
Welcome To Margaritaville

This man decided to welcome his loved one home by setting up a margarita stand in the middle of a busy airport— because isn't a sugary alcoholic beverage the first thing you want right when you step off of a long, grueling flight?
That sign does say that it's national margarita day, so I guess that makes sense. Is national margarita day even a real thing? It seems rather suspicious today. Well, it's five o'clock somewhere.
He Won't Walk By That Sign

Sometimes it's hard to find your people in a large crowd or at a busy place like an airport. That's where a sign like this would really come in handy. It's almost impossible to walk by a sign that big and that... interesting without noticing it.
Do we think that Mokie is his real name or a nickname? Either way, I'm sure he's very happy to be home with people who love him enough to print out a giant photo of his face.
We Just Hope That This Is A Joke

From this sign, it seems like Jody was away in California and now she's finally back after a long trip. We're guessing that this is her brother, and either he's not very happy to see her or he's just joking and these two are actually really close.
For Jody's sake, we're hoping that this is just one big prank. We also hope that Jody is in on the joke. Otherwise, a sign like this could be quite upsetting.
Shout It From The Rooftops

Look, they call it Alcoholics Anonymous for a reason. It's supposed to be anonymous. We're not sure if this person is actually coming home from rehab or if his sign is a joke. We're also not sure if drug dependency is a laughing matter.
This person did write "hugs not drugs" on the sign, which is a sign of something. It could be a sign of love or it could be a sign of something else...
Home For The Holidays

Around Christmas time, people from all over the country flock back home to spend the holidays with mom and dad. If you're lucky, your mom and dad might be creative enough to make you a sign like this one. Compete with embarrassing photos of every one of their children, this sign is absolutely iconic.
We don't know if this is a cut and paste job or if mom made this on Photoshop, but either way, we appreciate the effort.
Who Has Two Thumbs And Is Extremely Corny?

This guy gets ten points for enthusiasm and none for creativity. Come on, we've heard this dad joke a million times already. We know that you're excited to have your kids back home, but you could have been a little bit more creative with the sign.
I'm sure Taylor and Steven appreciated it though. They also may have been very embarrassed by it. Now it's on the internet for everyone to see. They'll have something to talk about in therapy next week.
They Miss Mom And Dad

These three siblings are very excited to see their parents again. Their parents have been gone for so long that it was starting to feel like they didn't have parents at all. At least they're sassy, though. That's a key quality if you want to be able to fend for yourself in this life.
Hopefully, mom and dad take this as a joke and they don't actually think that their kids were looking for new parents.
Brokeback Airport

We're pretty sure that the guy with the sign is just trying to embarrass his friend with that "welcome back sexy cowboy" line." The "I can't quit you" is a great reference to the hit film Brokeback Mountain.
There is a slight chance that this isn't a joke and these boys really are in love, but the photo of Woody on the sign is giving me some serious joke vibes. These two would make a cute couple, though.
Alice Who?

Ok, we're drawing a blank on this one. Is this supposed to be a joke? Because if it is, we really don't get it. Maybe this guy is a driver who is supposed to pick up Alice, but if Alice doesn't show up, he's down to drive any random citizen. He doesn't want to lose out on that cash money.
If that's the case, Alice better hurry up and grab her bag off the carousel because this man could leave without her.
Who's The Real Idiot?

This Reddit user posted an image of her cousin picking her up from the airport with a sign that says "Idiot" on it. The only thing is, this cousin seems to be holding the sign upside down. Now, who is the bigger idiot here? Or do you think that sign is being held upside down on purpose?
Considering she took the time to put gold glitter all over the sign, you'd think she'd also take the time to make sure she was holding the sign the right way.
Some Kind Of Family Tradition

This photo was posted on Instagram with the caption "The tradition continues." We're not sure what exactly this tradition entails, but it seems to have something to do with friends embarrassing each other at the airport.
Whatever the tradition is, these men have been able to create something that makes them laugh, and that's really all you can ask for. Maybe they'll pass that sign down to their children and the tradition will continue forever.
That's One Way To Learn That You're Going To Be An Uncle

So, do we think that one of those guys holding the sign got Matt's sister pregnant? We hope this guy is ready to be an uncle because that baby is coming whether he likes it or not. It's nice that these boys were able to announce a pregnancy in the middle of a busy airport.
Now everybody in the airport (and on the internet) knows that Matt's sister is expecting. Congratulations, Matt's sister! I hope the morning sickness isn't too bad!
A High Profile Passenger

We're pretty sure that Edward Snowden isn't planning on returning to the U.S. any time soon, and even if he were planning on coming back, he would probably do it in a more secretive manner. I don't think he needs somebody standing in the airport holding a sign with his name on it. It's just not very incognito.
This guy is probably playing a joke on his friend— or maybe he's just playing a joke for his own amusement.
They Must Not Like Their Step Mom

This probably isn't the friendliest way to welcome your father and his new wife back home, but hey, whoever said you had to be nice to family? Ok, so maybe you should be nice to your family, but it's ok to poke fun every now and again.
Either these kids really don't like their new step-mother, or they really do like her and they know that she can take a joke. Maybe she doesn't speak English and she has no idea what this sign says...
He Found His People

Darth Vader definitely didn't need a sign to spot his entourage at the airport. You can't miss a horde of fully dressed Stormtroopers. What we want to know is how Vader managed to get through airport security in that suit?
How were those Stormtroopers even allowed in the building? Doesn't the TSA know that these are some of the most dangerous entities in the universe? This can only mean one thing: The TSA is working for the Dark Side.
This Guy Must Really Love Friends

This Canadian boy (note the hat) must really love the show Friends. Either that or he's picking somebody up from the airport who really loves the show Friends. We're pretty sure that his girlfriend's name isn't Princess Consuela Banana Squeegie McBeckenheim III, but if that's what she wants to be called, then he's just going to go along with it.
The second part of that joke name actually comes from Gilmore Girls, so these two must watch a lot of television together.
Poking Fun At the In-Laws At The Airport

This soon to be daughter-in-law has traveled with her fiancé to the airport to pick up his parents. Clearly, this woman has a good relationship with her in-laws because if she didn't, this sign would cause a whole lot of trouble.
We have a feeling that the "HELP!!!" message is a good sign these two knew the soon-to-be in-laws would find the humor in this funny airport pickup sign. These two are definitely going to have a fun-filled marriage.
The Most Embarrassing Photo They Could Find

There's always that one picture from your childhood that comes back to haunt you when you least expect it. Imagine how embarrassed you would be if your mother shared your most embarrassing pre-teen photo with the whole world.
We honestly don't think the photo looks all that bad, but Danna looks pretty red in the face about the whole thing. This is what happens when you're away from home for too long, Danna. People start digging through old photos because you're not there to stop them.
Um... What?

Well, that sign is certainly eye-catching. Imagine getting off a long flight and the first thing you see is your friend holding up a sign for you that says "smelly fart fetishists." That's not exactly the warm welcome we'd be hoping for.
This must be some kind of an inside joke because we certainly don't get what's going on here. We're sure all of the other strangers at the airport had no idea what was going on either.
An Apt Description

Now, a sign like this might work in some parts of America, but if she's picking up her friend in an airport that's actually in Asia, she's going to run into some problems. You know, there are a lot of small Asian girls in Asia.
This girl is probably just trying to have a laugh with her friend, and she probably is in an American airport. Let's just hope her friend takes this as a joke.
When The Joker Becomes The Jokee

These two siblings got revenge on their father for all of those annoying dad jokes throughout their lives. I'm sure this dad made plenty of "funny" airport signs for his kids over the years. Just this once, his kids are going to give him a taste of his own medicine. That's what you get, Craig.
I don't know if "Looney Lynn" deserves the embarrassing photo treatment as much as Craig does, but it's nice for her to be included.
That's An Interesting Name

At first glance, this just looks like a normal guy holding a normal sign with a normal guy's name on it. If you look at the sign more closely, however, you'll realize that "Hugh Jarse" isn't anybody's real name. Go ahead, try saying that name out loud in a crowded room. It's not going to go well for you.
Some pranksters never grow out of their prankster ways. We appreciate how silly this sign is. The world could always use a little more silliness.
While You Were Gone

There's nothing quite like coming home after a long vacation and sleeping in your own house in your own bed. It's such a peaceful feeling. It's almost like nothing could ruin it. Nothing except knowing that while you were away, your pets destroyed your furniture.
One thing is for sure— the next time these people go away, their dogs are staying in a kennel. They just completely lost their free reign of the house privileges.
Not A Warm Welcome

This is one sign you definitely don't want to see as you step off of an airplane (or ever, really). This sign may look friendly at first glance, but upon closer inspection, you can see what's really going on: "I’ve had access to your cell phone records the entire time…132 acts of infidelity… I think we should see other people"
This man is not very good at hiding affairs. How could he not know that his wife could see his phone records? Well, good for her for moving on.
This Is A Brother Who Truly Cares

Imgur user @ramblindan2020 posted this photo of his brother holding up a handmade airport pickup sign with the caption, "Ever want to punch your little brother before?"
He continued, writing, "This [expletive] was holding this high over his head as I came down the escalator. I've never been to rehab. I flew from Texas to California to visit him after his 4th or 5th deployment. He's active duty AF." That's what brothers are for, right?